The Future of EMSstudent.ca
EMSstudent started as a fairly straightforward project. A few classmates and I realized early into our education that there were a lot of online resources available for paramedic students, but they were scattered all over the Internet. Even more importantly, very few students knew they existed, so they were largely (in our opinion) underutilized…
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Brrrr That’s Cold! Therapeutic Hypothermia for Post Arrest Patients
For a cardiac arrest patient to survive, many things need to be done quickly and correctly. While I could have written about good quality CPR, defibrillation, ALS etc. (which I might save for another digest), I thought I would talk about something a little more sexy and novel….
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The Science of Anaphylaxis
Anaphylaxis is classified as an Immediate Hypersensitivity Reaction (Class 1).
The exact reason why someone becomes hypersensitive to a particular antigen is currently unknown, but research has shown that hypersensitivity occurs after an initial exposure to the antigen…
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